The Kanazawa Phonograph Museum consists of three floors showcasing historically significant...
Moon-Ashes: The magic theater!
SWHYB 1.1: Whirling thoughts
I was taken aback when the secretary of the physics department said that a Mr. Yamasaki from Japan...
Kanazawa trip, Episode 3: Secret Temples and Tea Houses
We arrived at the entrance of the famous secret temple during the early afternoon hours. Our tour...
The last love letter…
In 2020, the Japanese movie director, Shuji Iwate made a return with a beautiful movie, titled...
Kanazawa Trip, Episode 2: DT Suzuki Museum
We arrive at the Kanazawa station just before 11:00 am. The station is huge and crowded. Y. guides...
Thirteen hours by Mitchell Zuckoff, a book review
I had barely started reading Zuckoff’s, an American professor of journalism at Boston University,...
Kanazawa Trip, Episode 1: The beginning…
December 16th, 2022 08:26 We have now embarked on our journey to Kanazawa, the north-western...
Goodbye Ms. H.B. and may we meet in a library in paradise!
Yesterday I was talking with my family, one of my younger sisters asked me if I had known Ms. H....
Tom McCarthy’s Remainder (2005), hysterical realism and a journey that leads to nowhere!
I’d grabbed McCarthy’s Remainder (2005) randomly from a row of books in a bookshop in Tokyo and...
Einstein’s Magnum Opus, The field equations of general relativity
This article is written as a celebration of the 110th anniversary of the first appearance of one...