Bond of brothers
“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”― Helen Keller It was an unusual foggy August morning for central Japan, as I made my way down to Inage Station. My thoughts were entangled and even my shadow appeared out of focus. “Stay calm. One step at a time.”, I told myself, but the idea of another goodbye came clumping over every other thought. S., was leaving Japan. The one guy who I knew I could rely on, the one person who was always there for me, for everyone. My bro. S. It was early April ’18, more than four years ago when we first met. We formed part of the respectful MEXT (a Japanese government financed scholarship) winners, together with a bunch of other students at Chiba University. Living in the same dormitory just a couple...
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“Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it” Bukowski I been isolated in my room for ten days straight now, without a single world coming out of my mouth. I text, occasionally, just to remind myself that I still know the words and that the world, outside of my room, is still spinning, just the same. Here inside though, the clock has stopped. At 01:00 p.m. on a November Monday, just like that. I woke up one morning, and nailed the thickest cover I had on the window. Yeah, that probably means that I’m going to have to pay something extra, by the time I’m going to move out, but at least I’m going to live here, in my terms. No light from outside is going to enter. It’s...
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