David Baldacci’s 7th installment in the Memory Man series, "Long Shadows," brings back the...
Moon-Ashes: The magic theater!
“Dead Centre” by Andy McNab: A journey into the world of Somali Pirates
When I moved to Tokyo, I discovered a new love for thrillers. While I generally like detective...
Exploring Espionage in “Moscow Rules” by Daniel Silva
As someone who likes Daniel Silva's work, particularly his thrilling Gabriel Allon series, I...
About him & her (2023): A movie review…
Think about all the little elements of fate that lead to us crossing each-other lifepaths,...
“Whatever it takes”, by Andy McNab
I just finished reading McNab’s "Whatever It Takes," a thriller that follows the story of former...
Mundohem t'i jap mallëngjimit tim trajtën e fytyrës sate, Kujtimit të asaj mbrëmjeje Nëntori, Kur...
Unraveling Our Roots: A Review of Jack Reacher’s adventures in Past Tense
In an unusual turn of events for me, I found myself watching the Jack Reacher movies, portrayed by...
The English Assassin and Switzerland not being so neutral!
(Image: A Belgian museum has returned a painting stolen by the Nazis to its rightful owners after...
Door into Summer and the AI revolution: an inventors dream epoch
Amidst all the discussions over AI tools that are becoming more and more commonly used due to...
12 vjet më parë. Ndërkohë që shokëve e shoqeve, U pëlqen të aktrojnë si të lezetshëm, Te...
Kanazawa Trip, Episode 4: Phonographs, Literature and Art
The Kanazawa Phonograph Museum consists of three floors showcasing historically significant...
SWHYB 1.1: Whirling thoughts
I was taken aback when the secretary of the physics department said that a Mr. Yamasaki from Japan...
Kanazawa trip, Episode 3: Secret Temples and Tea Houses
We arrived at the entrance of the famous secret temple during the early afternoon hours. Our tour...
The last love letter…
In 2020, the Japanese movie director, Shuji Iwate made a return with a beautiful movie, titled...
Kanazawa Trip, Episode 2: DT Suzuki Museum
We arrive at the Kanazawa station just before 11:00 am. The station is huge and crowded. Y. guides...
Thirteen hours by Mitchell Zuckoff, a book review
I had barely started reading Zuckoff’s, an American professor of journalism at Boston University,...
Kanazawa Trip, Episode 1: The beginning…
December 16th, 2022 08:26 We have now embarked on our journey to Kanazawa, the north-western...
Goodbye Ms. H.B. and may we meet in a library in paradise!
Yesterday I was talking with my family, one of my younger sisters asked me if I had known Ms. H....
Tom McCarthy’s Remainder (2005), hysterical realism and a journey that leads to nowhere!
I’d grabbed McCarthy’s Remainder (2005) randomly from a row of books in a bookshop in Tokyo and...
Einstein’s Magnum Opus, The field equations of general relativity
This article is written as a celebration of the 110th anniversary of the first appearance of one...
Learning to look beyond projections
“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens” Karl Jung It was a breezy November...
The engineering student who prevented a disaster in the middle of Manhattan
This article goes out for the architects and engineers out there, who sometimes don’t realize how...
Thoughts, through a train window…
“…With two tickets torn in half And a lot of nothing to do Do you miss me, Miss Misery, Like you...
Delayed outflows in AT2018hyz.
As it is known, tidal forces are gravitational effects caused by a gravitational gradient applied...
You felt like a German Christmas…
I bought a cake and a coke for you tonight. A large coke with a little reindeer in the corner....
Standing Again by Dhimitër Xhuvani: How to stand up when life puts you down?
This is going to be the review of a book that unfortunately can only be found in the original...
Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress and my admission to a little bit of snobbery in my reading taste…
Recently, I found Digital Fortress in a lonely corner in a bookshop near Kasai station, Tokyo....
Dear old friend,
You know, I'm not an equal parts naïve and shy teenager anymore. I grew into a man, with a...
Secret Forest
Reading, writing, dreaming. I think I can call it a good day. I started my day with teaching a bit...
Dear beloved friend and cousin, E.,
I’m writing from a family restaurant in the east side of Tokyo, where I came to grab a quick...
My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
"We are not just passing by each-other" This beautiful movie tells a marvelous tale of human...
Bond of brothers
“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”― Helen Keller It was an...
Life roads!
I was right back then. Remember? I told you that all that will remain will be the memory of the...